Our Life Together

Rexburg, ID, United States
We've been married for 5 years! We met here in Rexburg, Idaho where we lived in the same apartment complex, volunteered with similar church callings, and attended the same university. It was only a matter of time before we'd bump into each other! Kelly graduated with her bachelors in psychology and has since been working with mentally ill adults and children. She has been accepted to Drexel Univeristy for her Masters in Higher Education Administration and Organizational Management. Sam recently graduated from Brigham Young University-Idaho with his bachelors in English Literature. We've had so much fun and so many growing experiences in the past 5 years, and have weathered so much good and bad during our young marriage. And we love each other so much more as a result of the happy and sad experiences that we have gone through hand in hand with each other and with the Savior. Our life is a simple one, but it's ours and we're glad to have it.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Happy Birthday Sam!

Today is Sam's Birthday....26 years old today :) I tried to comfort him the other day about his increasing age by telling him that at least he will always be 3 years younger then me! Today we are celebrating his bday quietly since I had to work and today he had school. (Today is his last day of school by the way, finals and all that are over! Only 2 more semesters left! Yay!!!) So we had breakfast together and off we went to our separate destinations. Tonight we are having some Olive Garden for dinner and a chocolate cake that I'm making at this moment. Saturday will be our main celebration day.  For his bday Sam got a 15'' speaker cab. You know how he loves music, and loves to play music! 

Happy Birthday Sweetheart.  You bring so much into my life.  And I love you more and more...


The Hardy Things in Life said...

Oh Yeah Happy Birthday Big Dawg!! Hope you have a great one!! Love ya guys!!

hllewis said...

happy birthday sam
may whatever you wish when you blowout the candles come true!! we love you!

The Cook Clan said...

Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday Dear Sam
Happy Birthday to you!!

We love you and wish you all the best!!